Saturday, April 21, 2007

A whole year.

So it's now been a full year since we lost Molly. I've spent most of the day in a shock. One year.. It's been a whole year since I last got to touch her, a whole year since I had to measure out morphine in a tiny syringe, meticulously meter a feeding pump, or insert a catheter. It just doesn't seem real. Yet here I am. Living on, when I think I shouldn't be. No one should ever out live their child. It has gotten easier to get on with my days, it's been a terrible year and good too. To many deaths, mistakes, emergencies, personal crisis, and injury etc. So here's to a new beginning.. The start of another year without my daughter. May this year be happy, easy, and smooth. I need the break.

Molly watch over Mommy, she needs your strength, and I miss you terribly!!!


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