Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ok, fess up someone didn't tell that rabbit shit was soooooo bad.. Picture this is you will.. 10pm slowly heading to bed. Frantic knocking at the front door.. WTF?! Look out the window and there is a very upset looking man I've never met on the porch. He quickly introduces himself,

"Hi!-I'm-your-backyard-neighbor-(insert name I can't recall)-your-yard-is-on-fire!"

Me: Say what?!

We take off running around that house while I yell at mitch, "YARD!! FIRE!! UGH!!"

Get to the back yard and sure enough flames.. To make the whole thing even worse, it's the compost bins on fire..........and!! And!! Our firewood pile has started to catch.. I run around the yard in the dark trying to find a hose... Neighbor and I both start putting it out and laughing over it..

Apparently this is what I get for cleaning the rabbit hutch on a 90 degree day, and not stirring or adding water. UGH.

Moral of the story... Hay + Rabbit shit + 90 degree weather = SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION!! Oy!! Pics to be added later..